Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Reading and Writing Resources

Hello everyone,


This week, I am posting some reading and writing resources that I have found on the web related to ESL.


The first one is perfect for my teaching context. It is a group of selected readings, designed for intermediate students, from Oxford Press and come with quizzes on the readings so teachers can check for comprehension or students can check the answers for themselves.




In one of my reading classes in the past, I would start every Friday morning off with reading something from the Daily Texan. This was good practice. I have found online that there is a newspaper for new readers available online called, the Key.




Here is something I found called 100 free short stories for ESL learners:



I also really like this site from Voice of America. They are Broadcasts and scripts written in clear, simple English.





For writing, I found another ESL blog that learners can read and write on called:

Ron’s ESL blog




It’s main focus is writing and grammar for ESL students.


This site for writing is a good site for all things writing and grammar related in ESL:




As always, please share with me your favorite links and let me know how you liked these. Thank You!







  1. Hi Joe,

    I think the "Key" is a great find! Last week I observed a class in ESL Services for our assignment, and one of the teachers had his students read an article from the Daily Texan. Each student received a paper and together as a class they made a list of words they didn't understand in the article. They then broke up into small groups and answered some short answers. Interesting technique for reading comprehension! Seems like you've already had some experience with it as well.


  2. Hey Joe,
    It looks like you and I bumped into at least one of the same sources. I liked the rong-chang 100 free short stories too, and posted that one on my blog. I thought the stories were useful because they were fairly short and also had an option to listen as you read. I wanted to ask about the Oxford University Press site though. I thought it would be a great site, so I signed up for an account and went to the link you provided. I found the quizzes, but I couldn't find the actual readings...?

  3. Hi Joe, really liked this site it would be quite useful for my students. Reading while listening, great stuff.

    http://www.rong-chang.com/qa2/index.htmlally liked the

  4. Kristen- yes, the quizzes. I re checked the link and you are exactly right. However, I could find this site very useful for testing.
